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Bonus Track: Let’s Talk

Peter Link

Download: $2.99

Jenny Burton
Julia Wade
Peter Link
Norm Bleichman
Peter Link
Song Duration:


Let’s Talk
Music by Peter Link
Lyrics by Peter Link and Norm Bleichman

It’s cold at the North Pole
And nothin’ grows
Nothin’ grows
It’s also cold at the South Pole
So cold that everything’s froze
Ice cold, locked down
Stuck in the grooves
A frigid inertia where nothing moves
Yeah it’s so cold ya’ can’t think past yer frozen toes
And even the mind is comatose
At the North Pole
The South Pole

It ain’t no place to have much fun
It ain’t no place to get much done
It ain’t no place to live, my friend
No it’s sixty degrees below

So, let’s find ourselves where once was found
A heart to heart, a common ground
Let’s take a chance and find again
The language of long ago

Let’s talk about the fear that haunts us
Let’s talk about faith
Let’s talk about the stuff that daunts us
An’ watch all our troubles just fade away

Let’s talk about what can revive us
Let’s talk about change
Let’s talk about the hopes that drive us
An’ watch all our differences fade away

It’s simply a tug-of-war
Where no one wins
An’ no one loses
Ya’ just keep pullin’ ‘til evermore
‘Til someone blows a fuse
Yeah it’s do or die in this ancient game
The pride of power and the pain of shame
And the die hard an’ dogged in you simply refuse
‘Til nothin’ is left but two empty shoes

Yeah what’s it all for
This tug-of-war?
Hey what can you do
With two empty shoes?

It ain’t no way to win, my friend
Cuz in the end we must expect to
Be of one mind, and on the same side
It’s time we made it so

Let’s talk about this eye for n’eye thing
Let’s talk about love
Let’s get it done an’ stop denying
Just for the purpose of saying “No”

Let’s talk about our expectation
Let’s talk about peace
Let’s talk about a syncopation
A fusion of disparate grooves that make a whole

So let’s walk to each other
Just a step at a time
Let’s talk to each other
Put our thoughts on the line
We can do
Yes we can
Try again
You can concede to each other
What makes us unique
Obtuse or distinctive
Or even oblique
We can do
Yes we can
Try again
We can even sit down and speak

Let’s talk about the things we stand for
Let’s talk about grace
Let’s stand as one an’ give a hand for
Rememb’ring what it all began for
Let’s finally do the things we planned for
An’ watch all our differences fade away
Let’s pull together an’ do what we can
To find us a common ground

Let’s talk
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s get it together an’ give it a shot

Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s work it together an’ see what we got

Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s do it together – that’s what it’s all about
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s hit it together an’ take it on out
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Let’s talk!
Yes we can
Try again
Let’s Talk!

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