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Bring Them To Me

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Adrienne Tindall
Ethel Wasgatt Dennis
Song Duration:

A beautiful description of Jesus’ feeding the multitude, using a lad’s five loaves and two fishes. Friendly musical style accompaniment, major-minor contrast adds interest.



Poem by Ethel Wasgatt Dennis
Music by Adrienne Tindall

I like to think how kind the Master’s face,
As he explained to that young lad of yore,
How God had need of his five barley loaves
And two small fishes, all his slender store.

We read of no unwillingness to share,
No holding back a part for his own need,
The lad brought all he had unto the Christ,
And history is richer for his deed.

I wonder if the Master let him stand
Close there beside him while the marvel grew,
To watch that miracle of loaves unfold
And multiply to wondering human view.

To give in God’s great service leaves no lack,
Nor can withholding bring us lasting gain.
Can we not trust the care of Him Who sends alike on each
The sunshine and the rain?

It matters not how sore may seem our need,
How few the loaves and fishes that we see;
Today another miracle is born,
If we obey Christ’s call, Bring them to me.

Poem Courtesy of The Christian Science Publishing Society
Music © 1968 Adrienne Tindall. All rights reserved.

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