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Day Lily

Lew Doty

Download: $2.99

Lew Doty
Lew Doty
Adult Contemporary
Song Duration:


Day Lily

Day Lily
Day Lily living life for just one day
The sun will come and go
The moon will rise and so
A perfect day

Day Lily
Day Lily turn your face up to the sky
Feel the beauty of your birth
The goodness of this earth
The reason why

And life goes on
Life tomorrow
Life today
Life forever . . .

Now’s the time the Wild One tells me, “grow”
Now’s the time the Wild One says,
“Old Friend, it’s time to go . . .”

How silly
How silly to think life would stay the same
For the wonder of it all
Is the steady rise and fall
The constant change

Day Lily
Day Lily living life for just one day
But this beauty that you bring
The song your life will sing
Will always stay

But life goes on
Life tomorrow
Life today
Life unfolding
Perfect life
Life creating life
Life forever . . .

Day Lily
Day Lily living life for just one day
But this beauty that you bring
The song your life will sing
Will always stay

The sun will come and go
The moon will rise and so
A perfect day

Composer – Lew Doty
Lyricist – Lew Doty

Copyright SuluMusic 2012

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