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Father of Lights

Jay & Tessa Frost

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Jay & Tessa Frost
Jay & Tessa Frost
Tessa E.B. Frost
Song Duration:

A triumphant celebration of James 1:17. Highlights each of the seven synonyms for God: Love, Truth, Life, Soul, Mind, Principle, Spirit. Perfect for Thanksgiving services.


Father of Lights
Lyricist: Tessa E.B. Frost
Composer: Jay A.H. Frost

Father of lights, light up the world
You made us sons and daughters
Oh, this must be Love, holding us close
Drawing our lives to open them wider

Your Truth has kept us, taught and blessed us
Life not of dust
Soul shines through us
One perfect God!

Let us sing!
Lift them up, let praises ring
Yes, this is our King
Lift them up, let praises ring!

Mother of all – all beautiful, good
You’ve given the Key to the Kingdom
Unwavering Love, guiding us home
Marking the way with every healing

Oh, Mind has fed us, healed, and led us
Principle, kind
Spirit’s design
One perfect God!

Let us sing!
Lift them up, let praises ring
For this, this is our King
Lift them up, let praises ring
This, this is our King
Lift them up, let praises ring
Oh this, this is our King
Lift them up, let praises ring!

Copyright 2012 Tessa E.B. Frost

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