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It Matters Not

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Josh Henn
John F. Wilson
Mary Baker Eddy
Song Duration:

An original setting of the loved poem by Mrs. Eddy. After an 8-bar into, the tune starts low and rises then falls again with a final climax on top G.. Each verse slightly varied in rhythm to match to words, with varying bar lengths and brief interludes.


It Matters Not
Music by John F. Wilson
Words by Mary Baker Eddy

It matters not what be thy lot, so Love doth guide
For storm or shine, pure peace is thine what e’er betide.
And of these stones or tyrants’ thrones, God able is
To raise up seed in thought and deed to faithful His
Aye, darkling sense, arise, go hence! Our God is good.
False fears are foes truth tatters those when understood
Love looseth thee and lifteth me ayont hate’s thrall
There Life is light and wisdom might and God is All
The centuries break, the earth-bound wake, God’s glorified!
Who doth His will His likeness still is satisfied.

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