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Adrienne Tindall
Adrienne Tindall
Song Duration:

Every kind of canonic relationship between the accompaniment and the voice. Gentle sound, spiritual conviction in the great vocal highs. Quarter note bass line represents musically the humble obedient walk with God (see Micah 6:8). Organ and voice.


Jod (Thy hands have made me and fashioned me)

Text: Psalm 119:73-74; 76-77, 80 (KJV)
Music: Adrienne Tindall

Thy hands have made me and fashioned me;
Give me understanding, that I may learn Thy commandments!

They that fear Thee will be glad when they see me,
Because I have hoped in Thy Word.

Let, I pray Thee, Thy merciful kindness be for my comfort,
According to Thy Word unto Thy servant.

Let Thy tender mercies come unto me that I may live,
For Thy law is my delight!

Let my heart be sound in Thy statutes,
That I be not ashamed;
That I be not ashamed.

Music © 1987 Adrienne Tindall. All rights reserved.

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