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Kate Lawson Gould
Kate Lawson Gould
Song Duration:

A lyrical exploration of the enduring, selfless and powerful qualities born of love, adapted from I Corinthians: 13.



Kate Lawson Gould – adapted from I Corinthians13

Faith, hope and charity, only these will last forever
But the greatest of them all, yes the one that stands above
It is love, yes it’s love.

Oh love doesn’t envy, doesn’t ever act unseemly
Love is patient, love is kind
Only good in us will find
Will find

Though my faith could move the mountains
Though my words are angels singing
Without love, I am really nothing

Love forgives our every wrong
Love is truth that makes us strong
Love bears all, believes all
Love hopes all, endures all

Knowledge vanishes away
Words will cease, prophets fail,
But love will stay

When I was just a child, I saw life through eyes of youth
But when I became a man, I perceived a greater plan
I perceived a greater truth

Though I give away the things I’ve earned
I give my body to be burned
Without love it profits nothing
Without love

Faith, hope and charity, only these will last forever
But the greatest of them all, yes the one that stands above
It is love, yes it’s love.

Copyright 2012 Kate Lawson Gould / Performers Hub

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