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Kimberly Stephenson

Download: $2.49

Kimberly Stephenson
Additional Artists:
April Brahinsky
April Brahinsky
April Brahinsky
Mary Baker Eddy
Song Duration:

Reverent and joyous melody over continuously flowing accompaniment. Some chromaticism both melodically and harmonically.



Text by April Brahinsky includes (in quotes) the
Daily Prayer by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by April Brahinsky

Daily we pray to serve the Lord our God and His voice obey,
To escape from all temptation,
To follow Christ and find the glorious freedom of man as God’s reflection,
And rejoice in the peace of being held in the heaven of Love’s perfection.
“‘Thy kingdom come;’
let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me,
and rule out of me all sin;
and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!”

Copyright 2013
Words used courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Collection

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