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Put Thou My Tears

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Deborah Offenhauser
Deborah Offenhauser
Text Source:
Ps and Rev
Song Duration:

Inspirational Vocal Solo A beseecher in “Put Thou My Tears” asks God not to be forgotten, and the song then soars with the promise from God that He not only hears us, and not only wipes away our tears, but proclaims that there will be some day no need for tears, for there shall be no pain nor death. They shall all have passed away.


Put Thou My Tears
Lyrics, Music and Orchestration by
Deborah Offenhauser


Put Thou my tears into Thy bottle When I cry unto Thee.
Put Your everlasting arms Beneath, around, above me.

When I reach out with my heart, When I cry unto Thee,
Let me know that You are here And watching over me.

I sought the Lord and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
Oh, Lord, give ear unto my cry: Hold not Thy peace at my tears.

Put Thou my tears into Thy bottle When I cry unto Thee.
Put Your everlasting arms Beneath, around, above me.

And God shall wipe away your tears, All the tears from your eyes;
And there shall be no more sorrow, Nor shall you need to cry,

And there won’t be any pain And there won’t be any death,
For the former things are gone. They’ve all just passed away.

I sought the Lord and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
Oh, Lord, give ear unto my cry: Hold not Thy peace at my tears.

Put Thou my tears into Thy bottle When I cry unto Thee.
Put Your everlasting arms Beneath, around, above me.

“Amphora Bottle” ©2015 Lloyd Shaffer

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