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Rap No. 4

Peter Link

Download: $2.99

Julia Wade
Additional Artists:
Anne Fraser Thomas
Brian Collazo
Elle Green
Freedom Bremner
Jenny Burton
Jonathan Singletary
Solange Prat
Tanesha Gary
Peter Link
Peter Link
Song Duration:


Rap #4
Music and Lyrics by Peter Link

Change is what’s called for
Change is imperative
Progress is a joke without change


Change is onerous
Change is awkward
Yeah change brings a mountain of strife
But Life sits at a standstill without change
An’ thank God

Change is the law of life
Ever’body talkin’ ‘bout changin’ the world
Ya’ oughta put them changes up on the shelves
Cuz all you do-gooders out there got it all wrong

First we gotta be changin’ ourselves
That’s right
First we gotta be changin’ ourselves
Before we go changin’ de world
First we gotta be changin’ ourselves

First we gotta be changin’ ourselves
First we gotta be changin’ ourselves
Before we go changin’ de world
First we gotta be changin’ ourselves

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