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Adrienne Tindall

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Adrienne Tindall
Adrienne Tindall
Max Dunaway
Song Duration:

The text is introspective, humble, prayerful. A beautiful message of our response to God and to His Christ, explaining how to demonstrate our gratitude.



Poem by Max Dunaway
Music by Adrienne Tindall

It is so little, Lord, the widow’s mite,
This faltering word of thanks that I would speak.
So faint it seems, some may not hear
My gratitude above my fear,
In trembling voice, ineloquent and weak.

Yet of the widow did the Master say
That she had given more than all the rest.
And he did not disdain the heart
That ventured to bestow its part
And, in a humble way, its gratitude expressed.

Then let my thanks to God be testified:
If He accept it, then I ask no more.
And hearts that yearn as mine may yearn
For messages of Love will learn
That faithful lives can worship and adore.

© 1986 by Adrienne Tindall
Words used by permission of the copyright owner

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