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The Love of God

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Austin C. Lovelace
Jens N. J. Schjorring
Song Duration:

Gentle reassurance of God’s love for each of us. Imagery of a bride, of welcoming the Christ, of the recognition that God is Love. One verse of the vocal is a descant against the melody in the accompaniment.


The Love of God
Text: Jens N. J. Schjorring, par. Adrienne Tindall
Music: Austin C. Lovelace

Let the love of God, pouring like a flood,
Bring purity and peace,
Within its depths of quietness are gems that heal and bless,
And life that does not cease.

Let the love of God like a lovely bride
Arrayed to wed her groom,
So bless each heart with joy and grace that love will fill the place,
And Christ find heavenly room.

Let the love of God be our staff and rod,
Our law from heaven above.
And this is God’s one great command: to love, and understand
That God Himself is Love,

That God is Love.

Text © 1989 Adrienne Tindall. All rights reserved.
Music: Solo Version © 1993 DARCEY PRESS. All rights reserved.

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