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The Mists of Adam Dreaming

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Adrienne Tindall
Adrienne Tindall
Song Duration:

A musical mist. Quiet, contemplative pondering of the Adam dream, and Jesus, called the “second Adam” in I Cor. 15.


The Mists of Adam Dreaming

Text by Adrienne Tindall: based on I Cor. 15:45, 53, 49
Music by Adrienne Tindall

The mists of Adam dreaming
Cloud human history.
God, give me understanding
Of Your reality.
Help me replace that Adam,
Who dreamed his way to sin,
With Jesus Christ’s perfection –
Your kingdom found within.

I’d feel the quickening spirit
This second Adam brings –
To know that I inherit
No weight of mortal things.
I’d put on incorruption
And immortality,
Obeying, loving, learning
The truth that makes me free.

I’d shed an earthy image
For one of heaven’s design,
I’d wake to know You wholly –
To know my Source divine.
God, Your creating’s perfect!
And Jesus came to prove
That Adam dream dissolving
In floodtides of Your love,
Your love.

Text © 1989 Adrienne Tindall. All rights reserved.
Music © 1994 Darcey Press. All rights reserved.

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