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Time Has Passed Me By

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Terry Burrell
Peter Link
Peter Link
Ragan Courtney

This is the first song from Rosemary And Thyme #5 - Water Into Wine.


Time Has Passed Me By
Music by Peter Link
Words by Peter Link and Ragan Courtney


(Mama continues to sing in monotone, but the chords to the one note singing are actually quite sophisticated and make the monotone work wondrously.)

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me up here in mid air
Remember me in all my despair
Remember me in my underwear
He never was a true love of mine

My little girl all grown up an’ leaving me
So soon, it seems like yesterday
I held her in my arms


Oh Mama, I’m right here. I ain’t goin’ anywhere. I’m jus’ gettin’ married.


Go on now an’ live your own life
No matter what, jus’ know when you’re leaving me
I’ll still be here like yesterday
Though time has passed me by

Oh my little bitterweed
My little love seed
Where did He go?
Do you know?
Do I need to remain at my window?
Do I wait for you both at my window?
Counting the hours to long ago

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me up here in mid air
Remember me in all my despair
Remember me in my underwear


Mama, I’m tellin’ you, I ain’t goin’ anywhere. I’ll be with you to the end of your days. That’s a promise. That is a promise …


Parsley sage Rosemary and Thyme
The road was his, but you are mine

Aw, what’s the point?

So go on now an’ live your own life
No matter what, I know you be leaving me
I’ll still be here like yesterday
Though time has passed me by
Though time has passed me by