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Umukiza Wanjye Ariho (My Savior Is Alive)

Aline Gahongayire

Download: $2.99

Aline Gahongayire
Aline Gahongayire
Aline Gahongayire
Moriah Entertainment Group
Song Duration:

And so we open (and close) with Flamenco guitar and a universal melody that sounds just right in the Rwandan tongue.


Umukiza Wanjye Ariho (My Savior Is Alive)

Umukiza wanjye ariho. My Savior is alive.
Ajya ankomeza ariho. He strengthens me, He is alive.
Umukiza wanjye ariho. My Savior is alive.
Kugira ngo amfashe maze ankomeze nanjye mwisegure. To help me and strengthen me so that I rely upon Him.
Ntacyo mfite najya nirata; impamvu mfite yo kwirarira ubuntu bw’Umukiza wanjye ni bwo bungejeje aha (×2). I have nothing to boast upon; the only reason I can boast upon is the grace of my Savior thanks to which I am still alive (×2).
Umukiza wanjye ariho. My Savior is alive.
Ajya ankomeza ariho. He strengthens me, He is alive.
Umukiza wanjye ariho. My Savior is alive.
Haba ku manywa ndetse na nijoro no mu gicuku aranyumva. He listens to me day in and night out.
Ntacyo mfite najya nirata; impamvu mfite yo kwirarira ubuntu bw’Umukiza wanjye ni bwo bungejeje aha (×3). I have nothing to boast upon; the only reason I can boast upon is the grace of my Savior thanks to which I am still alive (×3).

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