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Peter Link

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Brian Collazo
Freedom Bremner
Jonathan Singletary
Peter Link
Peter Link
Song Duration:


Music and Lyrics by Peter Link

The very same water in the apple you eat
May have fallen as rain
Half-way ’round the world
Or could have been used
A hundred million years ago
By a mighty mama brontosaur
To bathe her baby girl

Omi omi omi

The very same water
That is wetting your lips
May have flowed through the streets
Down in New Orleans
Or flowed down the cheeks
And spilled upon the piano keys
As the brilliant Tchaikovsky sat
And wrote his Pathétique.

Did ja’ know that
Here on this rock
As we journey through time
We live by the grace of water
For it bears within its essence
This miracle of life
And infuses this life into the world

One part oxygen
And two parts hydrogen
Put ’em both together an’ whadda you got
Clear and cool
Pure water


Yes the very same water
When you’re scrubbin’ the floor
May have once cooled a bluebell
In the morning sun
Then swam the Amazon
From the Andes to the waiting sea
Then it fought the Great Chicago Fire
In foiled futility

Water and man
Since time began
Go hand in hand
Yes they do

Yes the very same water
That grows the cocoa bean
And brings the sweet taste of chocolate
To the hungry world
May be the mystery
That carries forth the seed of life
As it brings to pass the life and times
That spring from you and me

Knowing now that
Here on this rock
As we try to find our way
We live by the grace of water
For it bears within its essence
This miracle of life
And infuses this life into the world

One part oxygen
And two parts hydrogen
Put ’em both together an’ whadda you got
Clear and cool
Pure water

Life giving water
We drink it
We swim it
It powers our world
We bathe in it
We travel it

One part oxygen
And two parts hydrogen
Put ’em both together an’ whadda you got
Clear and cool
Pure water

Life giving water

Life giving water

Life giving water

Life giving water

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