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Solos from the prose writings of Mary Baker Eddy DSM Bundle

Peter Link

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Digital Sheet Music PDF
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Digital Sheet Music PDF
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Digital Sheet Music PDF
Peter Link
Mary Baker Eddy
Peter Link
Text Source:
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Westrax Music Publishing
Vocal Range:

12 DSM (Digital Sheet Music) Titles **Song Collection Bundle!** Titles included in this Bundle:
Beauty Creation Divine Love
Dominion Footsteps of Truth Government
Mind's Camera One Prayer
The Sculptor Today Victory


from the Writing of Mary Baker Eddy

Lyrics for each song listed below:

Beauty Government
Today Prayer
Dominion The Sculptor
Mind’s Camera Footsteps of Truth
One Creation
Divine Love Victory

Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

The recipe for beauty
is to have less illusion
and more Soul

The recipe for beauty
is to have less illusion
and more Soul

Comeliness and grace
are independent of matter.
Beauty is a thing of life,
which dwells forever in the eternal Mind
and reflects the charms of His goodness
in expression, form,
outline, and color.

It is Love
Love which paints the petal
It is Love
with myriad hues,
glances in the warm sunbeam,
arches the cloud with the bow of beauty,
blazons the night with starry gems,
and covers earth with loveliness.

Love, redolent with unselfishness,
bathes all in beauty and light.

It is Love
Love which paints the petal
It is Love
with myriad hues,
glances in the warm sunbeam,
arches the cloud with the bow of beauty,
blazons the night with starry gems,
and covers earth with loveliness.

The recipe for beauty
is to have less illusion
and more Soul.

Music by Peter Link
Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Lyrics by Peter Link

“To those leaning
on the sustaining infinite
today is big with blessings”

To those hoping to begin again
Today provides the chance
To those turning to a loving father
In faith
In belief
In understanding
Today is the day of salvation
Of saving grace
Of triumph and elation
This day begins in expectation
Of the Kingdom of God
And all these things are possible
Today today

“To those leaning
on the sustaining infinite
today is big with blessings”

To those yearning to be whole again
Today your time has come
To those searching
for the inward journey
To soul
To the heart
To understanding
Today is the realization
Of truths untold
Of spiritual transformation
This day begins the revelation
Of the power of mind
And all these things are possible
Today today

“To those leaning
on the sustaining infinite
today is big with blessings”

To those living in the arms of love
Today your peace will come
To those tendering their tender mercies
So that all
May receive
Of the father’s bounty
Today is the day of transcendence
Of rising above
All human dependence
This day begins in real assurance
That the infinite reigns
And all these things are possible

Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

The enslavement of man is not legitimate.
It will cease when man enters
into his heritage of freedom,
his God-given dominion
over the material senses.

The enslavement of man is not legitimate.
Mortals will some day assert their freedom
in the name of Almighty God.
Dropping their present beliefs,
they will recognize harmony as the spiritual reality…

Entirely separate
from the belief and dream
of material living,
is the Life divine,
revealing spiritual understanding
and the consciousness of man’s dominion
over the whole earth.

The Psalmist said:
“Thou madest him to have dominion
over the works of Thy hands.
Thou hast put all things under his feet.”

The enslavement of man is not legitimate.
It will cease when man enters
into his heritage of freedom,
his God-given dominion
over the material senses.

Life is,
always has been,
and ever will be
independent of matter;
for Life is God,
and man
man is the idea of God,

Mind is the grand creator,
and there can be no power
except that which is derived from Mind.

If Mind was first chronologically,
is first potentially,
and must be first eternally,
then give to Mind
give to Mind the glory,
dominion, and power
everlastingly due its holy name.

The Psalmist said:
“Thou madest him to have dominion
over the works of Thy hands.
Thou hast put all things under his feet.”

“Thou madest him to have dominion
over the works of Thy hands.
Thou hast put all things under his feet.”


Mind’s Camera
Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

The crude creations of mortal thought
must finally give place
to the glorious forms
which we sometimes behold
in the camera
of divine Mind,
when the mental picture is spiritual and eternal.
Mortals must look beyond fading, finite forms,
if they would gain the true sense of things.

Where shall the gaze rest
but in the unsearchable realm of Mind?
We must look where we would walk,
and we must act as possessing all power
from Him in whom we have our being.

The crude creations of mortal thought
must finally give place
to the glorious forms
which we sometimes behold
in the camera
of divine Mind,
when the mental picture is spiritual and eternal.
As mortals gain more correct views
of God and man,
multitudinous objects of creation,
which before were invisible,
will become visible.
When we realize that Life is Spirit,
never in nor of matter,
this understanding will expand
into self-completeness,
finding all in God, good,
and needing no other consciousness.
no other consciousness.

Where shall the gaze rest
but in the unsearchable realm of Mind?
We must look where we would walk,
and we must act as possessing all power
from Him in whom we have our being.

Which we sometimes behold
In Mind’s camera
Which we sometimes behold

Text by Mary Baker Eddy with Additional Lyric by Peter Link
Music by Peter Link

The compounded minerals
or aggregated substances
composing the earth,
the relations which constituent masses
hold to each other,
the magnitudes, distances, and revolutions
of the celestial bodies,
are of no real importance,
when we remember
that they all must give place
to the spiritual fact
by the translation of man and the universe
back into Spirit.

They all must give place
to the spiritual fact
by the translation of man and the universe
back into Spirit.

In proportion as this is done,
man and the universe
will be found harmonious and eternal.
and one

The magnitudes, distances, and revolutions
of the celestial bodies,
are of no real importance,
when we remember
that they all must give place
to the spiritual fact
by the translation of man and the universe
back into Spirit.

In proportion as this is done,
man and the universe
will be found harmonious and eternal.
And one

Divine Love
Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

God is Love.
Can we ask Him to be more?

Divine Love always has met
and always will meet
every human need.

God is Love.
Can we ask Him to be more?

Love inspires, 
illumines, designates,
and leads the way.

Love is priestess
at the altar of Truth.
The way to extract error
from mortal mind
is to pour in truth
through flood-tides of Love.
is to pour in truth
through flood-tides of Love.

Love is the liberator.
No power can withstand divine Love.
Love is the liberator.
No power can withstand divine Love.
God is Love.
Can we ask Him to be more?

Divine Love always has met
and always will meet
every human need.

God is Love.
Can we ask Him to be more?

Love inspires, 
illumines, designates,
and leads the way.

Wait patiently
for divine Love to move
to move upon the waters
of mortal mind,
and form the perfect concept.

Love is the liberator.
No power can withstand divine Love.
Love is the liberator.
No power can withstand divine Love.

The vital part,
the heart and soul of Christian Science,
is Love.

Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

As human thought changes
from one stage to another
of conscious pain and painlessness,
sorrow and joy,–
from fear to hope
and from faith to understanding,–
the visible manifestation
will at last be man
governed by Soul,
not by material sense.

Reflecting God’s government,
man is self-governed.
Reflecting God’s government,
man is self-governed.

When man is governed by God,
the ever-present Mind
who understands all things,
who understands all things,
man knows that with God
all things are possible.
all things are possible.
man knows that with God
all things are possible.

Reflecting God’s government,
man is self-governed.
Reflecting God’s government,
man is self-governed.

When man is governed by God,
the ever-present Mind
who understands all things,
who understands all things,
man knows that with God
all things are possible.
all things are possible.
man knows that with God
all things are possible.

Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

Thoughts unspoken are not unknown
to the divine Mind.
Desire is prayer;
and no loss can occur
from trusting God with our desires,
that they may be moulded and exalted
and exalted!
before they take form
in words and in deeds.

God is not moved by the breath of praise
to do more than He has already done,
nor can the infinite do less
than bestow all good, …

God is Love.
Can we ask Him to be more?
God is intelligence.
Can we inform the infinite Mind
of anything He does not already comprehend?
“God is Love.”
More than this we cannot ask,
higher we cannot look,
farther we cannot go.

Thoughts unspoken are not unknown
to the divine Mind.
Desire is prayer;
and no loss can occur
from trusting God with our desires,
that they may be moulded and exalted
and exalted!
before they take form
in words and in deeds.

The unspoken desire
does bring us nearer the source
of all existence and blessedness.

God is Love.
Can we ask Him to be more?
God is intelligence.
Can we inform the infinite Mind
of anything He does not already comprehend?
“God is Love.”
More than this we cannot ask,
higher we cannot look,
farther we cannot go.

The Sculptor
Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

The sculptor turns
from the marble to his model
in order to perfect his conception.
We are all sculptors,
working at various forms,
moulding and chiseling thought.
What is the model before mortal mind?
Is it imperfection,
joy, sorrow,
sin, suffering?
Have you accepted the mortal model?
Are you reproducing it?

The sculptor turns
from the marble to his model
in order to perfect his conception.
We must first turn our gaze
in the right direction,
and then walk that way.

We must form perfect models in thought
and look at them continually,
or we shall never carve them out
in grand and noble lives.

The sculptor turns
from the marble to his model
in order to perfect his conception.
We are all sculptors,
working at various forms,
moulding and chiseling thought.

We are all sculptors,
moulding and chiseling thought.

Footsteps Of Truth
Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

We walk in the footsteps of Truth and Love
by following the example of our Master
in the understanding
of divine metaphysics.

Whatever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love–
be it song, sermon, or Science–
blesses the human family
with crumbs of comfort
from Christ’s table,
feeding the hungry
and giving living waters
giving living waters
to the thirsty.

One’s aim,
a point beyond faith,
should be to find
the footsteps of Truth,
the way to health and holiness.

We walk in the footsteps of Truth and Love
by following the example of our Master
in the understanding
of divine metaphysics.

Mortals may seek
the understanding of Christian Science,
but they will not be able to glean from Christian Science
the facts of being
without striving for them.

This strife consists in the endeavor
to forsake error of every kind
and to possess no other consciousness
but good.
no other consciousness but good.

One’s aim,
A point beyond faith,
should be to find
the footsteps of Truth,
the way to health and holiness.

We walk in the footsteps of Truth and Love
by following the example of our Master
in the understanding
of divine metaphysics.

We walk in the footsteps
walk in the footsteps
We walk in the footsteps of Truth
and Love

Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

There is but one creator
and one creation.
Infinite Mind is the creator,
and creation is the infinite image or idea
emanating from this Mind.
There is but one creator
and one creation.

Creation is ever appearing,
and must ever continue to appear
from the nature of its inexhaustible source.

This creation consists of
the unfolding of spiritual ideas
and their identities,
which are embraced in the infinite Mind
and forever reflected.

When we learn the way in Christian Science
and recognize man’s spiritual being,
we shall behold and understand God’s creation, —
all the glories of earth
and heaven
earth and heaven and man.

There is but one creator
and one creation.
and one creation.

Text by Mary Baker Eddy and from The Bible
Music by Peter Link

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

…a sad supper
taken at the close of day,
in the twilight of a glorious career
with shadows fast falling around;
and this supper closed forever
Jesus’ ritualism
or concessions to matter.

The final demonstration
of the truth which Jesus taught,
and for which he was crucified,
opened a new era for the world.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

Glory be to God,
and peace to the struggling hearts!

Christ hath rolled away the stone
from the door of human hope and faith,
and through the revelation
and demonstration of life in God…
(Christ) hath elevated them
to possible at-one-ment…

We acknowledge
that the crucifixion of Jesus
and his resurrection
served to uplift faith
to understand eternal Life,
even the allness of Soul, Spirit,
and the nothingness of matter.

Our Master
fully and finally
Divine Science
in his victory over death and the grave.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

The periods of spiritual ascension
are the days and seasons of Mind’s creation,
in which beauty, sublimity,
purity, and holiness —
yea, the divine nature —
appear in man and the universe
never to disappear.

Our Master
fully and finally
Divine Science
in his victory over death and the grave.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.

Thanks be to God,
who gives us the victory
through Jesus Christ
 our Lord.


Words used courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Collection