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    Fear Not Ye, O Israel

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    Jeremiah 31: 6, 16

    Behold! there shall be a day, that the watchman upon the mountaintop shall cry aloud:, Arise ye, arise ye! Get ye up unto Zion unto the Lord our God. For thus saith the Lord; Fear not ye, O Israel, neither be thou still dismayed. Refrain thine voice from weeping, and thine eyes, thine eyes from tears; for I the Lord am with thee, am with thee, and will save thee. I have loved thee, I have loved thee with everlasting love, and have redeemed thee, redeemed thee. Why criest thou in thine affliction? Why mournest thou in nightly watches. I have redeemed thee, I have redeemed thee. Therefore, thus saith the Lord: Sing ye aloud with gladness! Thy mourning is turned to joy! I, even I have redeemed thee. Be glad! Be glad and rejoice! Thy sorrows are now ended, and great shall be thy peace. Rejoice! Be glad! Be glad and rejoice. Then fear ye not, fear not O Israel, neither be thou still dismayed, I have redeemed thee, redeemed thee.