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Fountain of Life

April Brahinsky

Digital Sheet Music PDF
April Brahinsky
April Brahinsky
April Brahinsky
Vocal Range:
Vocal Pitch Range:
C4 - E5
MP3 Duration:

Bubbling accompaniment supports a joyous melodic line; some chromaticism.


Fountain of Life

Text and Music by April Brahinsky

Our Life is God who cannot die,
His thoughts comprise creation.
We reflect all good from Him
As spiritual formation.

Life pours forth beauty,
Joy, peace, and purity;
Life pours forth identity:
You and me eternally.

Our Life is irrepressible,
Vibrant, free, and whole.
Our Life is Mind and Truth and Love,
Principle, Spirit, Soul.

Life pours forth beauty,
Joy, peace, and purity;
Life pours forth identity:
The I or Us eternally.

Life is sparkling, colorful,
Reflected in delight.
Life’s scintillating presence
Shines forth as tender might.

Life pours forth beauty,
Joy, peace, and purity;
Life pours forth identity:
The Great I Am eternally.

Life is unconfined
By matter, time, or space.
Life bubbles up with loveliness
And harmony and grace.

Life pours forth identity:
You and me;
The only I or Us;
The Great I Am eternally.

Copyright 2014

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