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    He Chose Me

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    There were so many others that He might have chosen to follow Him; Others with learning and greater distinction to follow Him; Men with authority and forceful ability, who know how to speak and be heart. I

    don’t know exactly why I’m here at all, but today I follow my Lord. It was business as usual for me till I heard Him say, “Follow me.” I left all behind me that day when Jesus said, “Follow me.” I emptied myself of

    my old life completely, with no thought that this could be wrong; And as long as I follow the steps of the Master, I know I’m where I belong. For He chose me, He chose me. I could not say no when He said,

    “Follow me and you’ll be a fisher of men.” And from now on, from now on, I will not look back on the things left behind, He chose me to follow Him. No, I will not look back on the things left behind; He chose me to follow Him.