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Jesus Our Dear Master

Andrew D. Brewis


Andrew D. Brewis
Margaret Glenn Matters
Andrew D. Brewis
Vocal Range:
Vocal Pitch Range:
B3 - C5

A contemporary, simple, country feel and easily singable new setting to 'O Jesus our dear Master.' Good for solo or community singing. Guitar chords included.


O Jesus Our Dear Master

Lyrics Margaret Glen Matters
Music Andrew D. Brewis

O Jesus, our dear Master, 
Thy works, now understood, 
Reveal their full effulgence 
Through love and brotherhood. 
Today Christ’s precious Science 
Thy healing power makes plain: 
With joy may all obey thee 
And cast out sin and pain. 

The Christ, eternal manhood, 
As God’s own Son beloved, 
A tender ever-presence 
Within each heart is proved. 
O God, our Father-Mother, 
Thy name we see expressed 
By man, who in Thy Science 
Is perfect, holy, blessed. 

O Science, God-sent message 
To tired humanity, 
Thou art Love’s revelation 
Of Truth that makes us free. 
Thy kingdom, God, within us 
Shows forth Love’s sweet control. 
God’s idea, man, rejoices; 
He knows the reign of Soul.

Lyrics Copyright the Christian Science Board Of Directors

Music Copyright Andrew D. Brewis