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    Love Knows No Borders

    Download from DeFord Music


    1.From lands of the sunrise, From isles of the sea, Though oceans divide us and miles lie between, Come gather in spirit with shepherds of old, ’round Bethlehem’s cradle, Our Heavenly King to behold. REFRAIN: For love knows no borders, And love knows no bounds, Rejoice ye together, For Jesus our Savior is born. 2. From nations far sundered, From earth’s farthest shore, From castle and cottage where Jesus is Lord, Come sing with the angels, with voices made one, Ascending to heaven in praise of the Father’s own Son. REFRAIN. 3.His love knows no borders, Nor color nor creed, No rich and no poor, neither bondsmen nor free. And we who receive him must love without end, And carry his tidings of peace and good will To all men. REFRAIN.