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    May I be a Hero

    Buy from J.W. Pepper


    May I be a person who is known for always caring, treating other people the way I want to be treated; recognized for honesty and integrity, generosity and sharing; may I be a hero where a hero is needed. In

    the course of my life, when I’m given opportunity, I’ll reach out to others who feel lonely and defeated. Giving back a portion of myself to friends and family and community; may I be a hero where a hero is

    needed. May I stand when those around me fall, may I hear a higher call. May I lead by my example, standing tall! May I be remembered as someone who made a difference; loving and forgiving, filled with

    kindness and compassion, champion of courtesy and propriety; all the values we hold dear; oh, may I be remembered, may I be remembered as a hero. May we all be heroes.