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    My Garden

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    I know a place a hidden place where God communes with me. It is a lovely garden for thoughts are its flowers, you see. There are roses that spring from thoughts of love, And lilies from purity; Daffodils from the joy of giving and the grass from humility. But sweetest of all in my Garden is the child thought that comes trustingly, to be shower’d with petals of life’s sweetest bloom and is seeking security. There are more flow’rs I need in my garden they are patience and charity; Others whose seeds I’ve planted to grow in sincerity. Little birds build their nests in my garden mid blossoms and sunshine bright, sheltered from ev’ry tempest and safe in the darkest night. You may rest if you like in this garden, for I know you’ll find comfort there, where the peace of God waits to bless you, in a moment of silent prayer.