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    Angels [Out of Print]

    Frederic W. Root
    Frederic W. Root
    Clayton F. Summy


    Angels bright are hov’ring near, Whisp’ring to the list’ning ear Thoughts of truth eternal, Thoughts of love supernal; Messengers of God are they, Guarding us from day to day, Blessed revelations,

    Strength in our temptations, And to them is given To guide our steps to Heaven, To them is given To guide our steps to Heaven. Hear the song God’s angels sing, Heed the messages they bring,

    Thoughts to vanquish error, Thoughts to banish terror, Inspirations perfect, pure, Bringing joy that shall endure; Harmony revealing, Sin and sickness healing, And to them is given To guide our steps to

    Heaven, To them is given To guide our steps to Heaven. (OPTIONAL END HERE). Long ago o’er Galilee’s plain, Angels sang an inspiring strain, And ‘mid rays from the Heavens streaming, Told of Love

    for the world’s redeeming. And then when temptation our Lord beset, And He temptation with Truth had met, when He had banished the tempter grim, Angels came and ministered unto Him. But the

    shining cloud and the wilderness May be in the heart’s inmost recess Where, to comfort and bless the children of men, The angels may minister now as then. And to them is given To guide our steps to

    Heaven, To them is given To guide our steps to Heaven.