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    Christmas Message [Out of Print]

    Beverly Goldsmith
    Beverly Goldsmith
    Beverly Goldsmith


    O Bethlehem Ephratah, though you were small among the thousands, yet out of you did come forth, born to be our saviour, born to be our Saviour. O blessed day of Christ’s appearing, the angels sang of peace and good will unto men. To those who seek, the star is guiding; leading them on to where the Christ is found. Though many years have passed since Jesus’ birth, his words and deeds live in our hearts today. The saving Christ is present still, to help and heal and wipe all tears away. The Saviour’s message speaks of Truth and Life, telling of God’s love to all mankind. To those who hear the Christ within, the blessings of Christmas find. To those who hear the Christ within, the kingdom of Heaven find.