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    Climb the High Mountain [Out of Print]

    Arlene Pourroy
    Text Source:
    Matt 17: 1-5
    Adapted by:
    Arlene Pourroy
    Wordlight Publishing


    And Jesus led them up, led them up a high mountain, And his face shone like the sun, Then a voice called from the cloud: This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him. Am I following Christ up the great and

    high mountain? Am I climbing the path all the steep and dusty way? Leaping over the rocks; if I stumble, God’s arms will uphold me. Am I following Christ? Am I hearing God’s call: This is my Son, my

    beloved. Listen to him. When I pause by the wayside and look from the mountain across the vast valley as it shines in the sun, hearing Christ and his promise, sweet rest for the weary, am I following Christ?

    Hear the call from the cloud: This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him. Rising on past the mist, standing high on the summit, I see the heavens embracing the earth, as a picture of God’s love embracing

    the earth, a picture of God’s love.