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    Give Me O Lord an Understanding Heart [Out of Print]

    Richard H. Lee
    James J. Rome
    Laurie & RH Lee


    What shall I give you? God questions man. Still today we hear His voice echoing what shall I give you? Still, God calls, And we His children answ’ring, rejoice. Give me, Give me, O Lord, an understanding

    heart, That I may learn to know myself in Thee, To spurn the wrong and choose the better part And thus from sinful bondage be set free. Give me, O Lord, an understanding heart. Give me, O Lord, a meek

    and contrite heart, That I may learn to quell all selfish pride, Bowing before Thee, see Thee as Thou art And ‘neath Thy sheltering presence safely hide. Give me, O Lord, a meek and contrite heart. Give me,

    O Lord, a gentle, loving heart, That I may learn to be more tender, kind, And with Thy healing touch, each wound and smart With Christly bands of Love and Truth to bind. Give me, O Lord, a gentle, loving
