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    God’s Angels Watching over You [Out of Print]

    Arlene Pourroy
    Arlene Pourroy
    Wordlight Publishing


    Angels angels watching over you, keep you the whole journey through. When there is trouble, you are not alone? angels angels are watching over you. A great leader stands at the edge of the land where the enemy goes to and fro. An angel of strength gives a message divine, Fear not, for God’s angels watch over you. The Lord God is with you where’er you go, keeps you the whole journey through. The cloud and the fire still lead safely home. God’s angels watch over you. A true mother cherishes the babe that God gives though surrounded by danger and hate. God sends her the angel that stands in the sun with a message of comfort and love: Place the babe in God’s care as he enters life’s stream for the Lord God is with him where’er he goes. The cloud and the fire still lead safely home.