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    Hear My Prayer [Out of Print]

    Felix Mendelssohn
    Text Source:
    Ps 55: 1-2
    Allan & Co.


    Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear! Thyself from my petition do not hide. Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear! Thyself from my petition do not hide, Thyself from my petition do not hide! Take

    heed to me! Hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee, hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee, hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee! Take heed to me, take heed to me! Without Thee all is dark, I have no guide, I have

    no guide, no guide, without Thee all is dark, I have no guide, I have no guide. Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear! Thyself from my petition do not hide, Thyself from my petition do not hide! Hear my

    prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!