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    Perfect Man [Out of Print]

    Richard Gould Allen
    Richard Gould Allen
    Moalco Music


    To be God’s Perfect Man is all there is to see. There’s nothing greater than His love eternally. How wonderful to know when Truth’s revealed, All fear is gone in joyous song, The Christly touch and all is

    healed. To see God’s Perfect Man is mine revealed today; His light will guide my span across the narrow way. This oneness I will always share, as Mind reveals His plan, How sweet to know wherever I go, I

    am God’s Perfect Man. To be at one with Him in all I say and do; My pathway’s never dim, aglow with all that’s true. To cast aside all sense of pain and fear, and take my stand with Truth in hand, the Christly

    touch, and Love is here. To see God’s Perfect Man, reflecting all that’s good. No sin may enter in when Truth is understood; And peace will be when I can see the purpose of His plan, That day by day we’re

    finding the way to see God’s Perfect Man.