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    Put Your Trust in God [Out of Print]

    Jeanne Alden Joy
    Jeanne Alden Joy
    RD Row


    1.Dear longing heart, look up, look up, God’s love is leading you, Though dark the way may seem His light of Truth shines through, Though dark the way may seem His light of Truth shines through, Just put your trust in God, His peace will come to you. 2.Dear anxious heart, fear not, fear not, for you are not alone, God hath so many ways to love and bless His own. God hath so many ways to love and bless His own. Just put your trust in God, Your every need is known. 3.Dear weary heart, be strong, be strong, Rest in His loving care; Know that wherever you may be God’s love is there; Know that wherever you may be God’s love is there; Just put your trust in God, His power is everywhere. 4.Peace troubled heart, be still, be still, Trust God and cares will cease; From all the sorrow, pain, and strife, He?ll bring release; From all the sorrow, pain, and strife, He?ll bring release; Just put your trust in God, And you?ll find peace, find peace.