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    Thy Mercy Lord is in the Heavens [Out of Print]

    George Frideric Handel
    Text Source:
    Ps 36: 5-7
    Paterson's Publications


    Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens; Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens, Thy truth doth reach the clouds; doth reach the clouds; Thy justice is like mountains great, Thy judgments deep as floods, Thy

    judgments deep as floods. Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How precious is Thy grace! Therefore in the shadow of Thy wings, men’s sons their trust, their trust shall place, men’s sons their trust shall

    place, Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens; Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens, Thy truth doth reach the clouds; Thy truth doth reach the clouds.