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    Spirit Wind

    Buy from J.W. Pepper


    Spirit wind, bring God’s breath of life to me. Spirit wind, all transcending sets me free. Mercy, truth, and love swirling from above. Breathe on me, One in Three (with Thee), Spirit wind. Spirit light, send God’s

    rays of hope divine. Spirit light radiating, let me find happiness within, glowing, sent from heaven. Light divine, in me shine, Spirit light. O loving, living God, this is the day you descend upon the world (way

    you created all the world). Hear me as I pray. Spirit wind, God who makes all winds that blow, Spirit light, maker of all lights that glow. Glory, praise to you; worship, honor, too. Breathe on me, shine on me,

    light and wind. Breathe on me, set me free, Spirit wind.