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The Lord Is Alive

Rebecca Minor

Vocal Range:
Pitch Range:
Digital Sheet Music PDF
Vocal Range:
Pitch Range:
C4 ? C5
Digital Sheet Music PDF
Rebecca Minor
Rebecca Minor
Rebecca Minor
Vocal Range:
Vocal Pitch Range:
C4 - C5
D4 - D5
MP3 Duration:

"The Lord is Alive!" Could there possibly be sweeter words spoken, following the darkest of days for Jesus' followers? This retelling of the resurrection, and how it revitalized Jesus Christ's disciples is meant to inspire us all to have resurrection experiences in our own lives. With Christ, we can do anything!


The Lord Is Alive
Music and Lyrics by Rebecca Minor

“Listen to me”, Mary pleaded, “I swear he’s returned!”
She searched the disciples, the sting from their tears still burned
“I went to the tomb, it was rolled away
He spoke to me words only he could say

The Lord is alive, and he wants you to know it too
I’d be ready if I were you”

Simply dismissing her tidings, they sulked all the more
All huddled inside a small room secured with a locked door
When instantly they felt electrified
For there in that space Jesus stood inside

Oh their Lord was alive, and this meant all they learned was true
And he said “Peace be unto you”
Oh the joy of that day
All their grief swept away
All their failures and fears fell to dust
And the Truth Jesus taught them to trust
Had been proved, all limits removed

So let’s shout to the heavens and bless His name
Dance with angels and sing
Live your life fearless in Love alone
And heal in the name of your King
For with Christ you can do anything

When you are searching for reasons to feel joy or hope
You face insurmountable troubles, and struggle to cope
Remember that Christ rolled away the stone
To prove you will too, and you’re not alone

Oh, the Lord is alive and he’s rousing you from the dark
And it’s time to ignite your spark
Oh the joy of this day
All our grief swept away
And our failures and fears fall to dust
And the Truth Jesus taught us to trust
Has been proved, all limits removed

So let’s shout to the heavens and bless His name
Dance with angels and sing
Live your life fearless in Love alone
And heal in the name of your King
For with Christ you can do anything
For with Christ you can do anything