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    The Master’s Voice

    Download from DeFord Music


    1.Come unto me, the Savior said, Learn of me, listen to my words, the multitudes that followed there in Galilee, marveled at His wisdom at the truth they heard Him speak, REFRAIN: For in the Master’s voice they

    heard the pow’r that framed the heavens, The peace that stilled the tempest, The love that saves us all, Oh, can you hear His voice reecho o’er the ages, with the promise of salvation to our souls? With the hope of life

    and everlasting joy, To the humble who will hear the Master’s voice. 2.Abide in me, the Savior said, Walk with me in meekness and be blessed, He taught them on the mountain, He taught them by the sea, In word and

    deed He taught them and He said, Come, follow me, REFRAIN. Oh, can you hear His voice reecho o’er the ages, with the promise of salvation to our souls? With the hope of life and everlasting joy, To the humble who

    will hear the Master’s voice.