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    When Mary Sang her Lullaby

    Download from DeFord Music


    1.Darkness fell o’er Bethlehem at last, And hastened weary travelers to their rest .The empty streets all silent, All silent was the night, All silent ‘neath the star of stars, aglow with heaven’s light. REFRAIN: Mary sang her lullaby of love And cradled in her arms the Holy Child, In that poor and lowly place, Hallowed by his grace, ’twas a lullaby to comfort all the world. 2. Darkness fell o’er shepherds in the fields, Till heaven’s joyful tidings were revealed, The angels’ song of glory Re-echoed o’er the plains, While in a stable, soft and low, a sweeter song remained. REFRAIN. 3. When darkness falls and night besets my soul, Her gentle song still sings of brighter hope Above the voice of sorrow, Beyond all bitter tears, Echoes of that lullaby linger through the years. REFRAIN.