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Quite A Time – A Christmas Duet

Hallelujah, Isn’t it Quite A Time!

A Duet performed by

Peter Link and Julia Wade

“Quite A Time” is a duet sung by the album’s two creators, Peter and Julia. Here we imagine the morning after the birth. Mary and the baby are sound asleep recovering from the effort, but the party goes on amongst the wise ones, the shepherds and perhaps even some of the animals. How could the party not have gone on? Actually, it never stopped. It’s called “Christmas!”

Peter Link

Make friends with JULIA WADE AND FRIENDS – they will be great companions throughout the holidays and provide you with year-long inspiration.”

~Laurie Lawson, Electronic Link Journey

Watch this video on youtube.

Purchase and Download the Song and the Album below! ⬇︎

“Oh my goodness, I absolutely adore your album and I’m listening to it non-stop! So creative and fresh for this time of year … beautiful and inspiring!

Definitely creating “good vibrations” all around! Forever grateful and privileged to know you! You are just the best!”

~Jill Stucker, Sacramento, CA

This being Julia Wade’s 14th Album, we’ve long been talking about doing a Christmas Album. Julia and I think that Julia Wade And Friends – A Christmas Album is one of our best works together. We’re excited to share it with you. What successful artist does not have a Christmas Album? So, we decided it was about time. And it has what we like to call both Jesus songs and Santa songs, all reflecting the joys and inspiration of the Christmas season. And best of all, the album has story songs comin’ at you from the pen of composer, Peter Link, all reflecting the multifarious Christmas messages. Enjoy! 

~Peter Link, composer, orchestrator and producer

Quite a Time

Download: $2.99

Julia Wade
Peter Link
Peter Link
Peter Link
Song Duration:

What better way to close the album than with a duet from its two creators. Here we imagine the morning after the birth. Mary and the baby are sound asleep recovering from the effort, but the party goes on amongst the wise ones, the shepherds and perhaps even some of the animals. How could the party not have gone on? Actually, it never stopped. It’s called “Christmas.”


Quite a Time Music and Lyrics by Peter Link Isn’t it quite a time Holy Isn’t it quite a day Christ is born Isn’t it quite a place This manger Here in the Father’s house On this day Isn’t he quite the child Sleeping Feel the peace he brings Child of God Isn’t it quite a thing Of wonder Here in the miracle Of this day In this simple backcountry stable The Father’s son, the savior is born Born into this humble straw cradle And now the world awaits the promise of this Glorious morn Isn’t it quite a time Hosanna We welcome ascendant man This sweet child Here in our Father’s house Holy And oh how the world will change From this day forth It’s time to sing hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelu Hallelujah Isn’t it time to sing hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelu Hallelu Here beneath a star we have gathered Here in that manger Here to celebrate this moment sublime Knowing that we stand on this threshold Glorifying God in this moment in time Isn’t it quite the hour Holy Isn’t it quite the time To celebrate Gloria It’s a new day of promise Isn’t it quite the day Of promise Isn’t it quite a time The Christ is born Isn’t it quite a time Isn’t it quite a time Isn’t it quite a time for Heaven To come and visit Earth Isn’t it quite a time Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo

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