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Child of God

Deborah Offenhauser

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Deborah Offenhauser
Deborah Offenhauser
Song Duration:



Music and Lyrics by Deborah A. Offenhauser

Child of God, where are you going?
Child of God, your Shepherd is showing
You the way to go, and how to know,
That you’re the Child of God.

Child of God, what are you seeing?
Child of God, you’ll see that you’re being
Only one with God.
You can’t be flawed – You are the Child of God.

And now, right here,
Your God is near,
Your ever Father-Mother
Loves you so !

And now, don’t fear
Your perfectness appears
Right now, right here
No need for any fear.

Child of God, what are you hearing?
Child of God, have you been fearing
That it’s all too real, and do you feel
That you’re not the Child of God?

But now, right here,
Your God is near,
Your ever Father-Mother
Loves you so !

So now, don’t fear
Your perfectness appears
Right now, right here
No need for any tear.

Child of God, what are you knowing?
Child of God, know that you’re growing
More and more in Love,
And that’s because ….
You are the Child of God!

Beloved Child of God!

Copyright 2015 Deborah A. Offenhauser

Metatags: Child of God shepherd love comfort atonement perfect
Father Mother God Genesis 1 Creation
Mark 10:15 Luke 18:17 children of God children

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