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God Is Love

Mindy Jostyn

Download: $2.99

Mindy Jostyn
Mindy Jostyn
Jacob Brackman
Mindy Jostyn
Adult Contemporary
World Music
Song Duration:

A song of faith and affirmation. Simply beautiful.


God Is Love
Music by Mindy Jostyn
Lyrics by Mindy Jostyn and Jacob Brackman

God is Love
I’ve never been to heaven
I don’t know where it’s found
Some say high above the clouds
Some say all around
I’ve never seen the king of kings
Or stood before his throne
My mind is full of questions
But my heart has always known

God is Love
God is Love
More than this I cannot know
Higher than this I cannot go
God is Love
God is Love
If it’s all I ever learn in life
It’s all I need to know

I’ve had my days of pleasure
Of feasting and of friends
But things I used to treasure
Their charm came to an end
When summer has departed
When winter gales descend I remember where my heart is
I remember once again


May every living thing that breathes
Find comfort from despair
In darkest valleys, storm tossed seas
God is always there
And She is Love
God is Love
More than this we cannot know
Higher than this we cannot go
God is Love
God is Love
If it’s all we ever learn in life
It’s all we need to know

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