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Seek and Ye Shall Find

Deborah Offenhauser

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Deborah Offenhauser
Deborah Offenhauser
Song Duration:


Seek and Ye Shall Find
Music and Lyrics by: Deborah Ann Offenhauser

Seek, and ye shall find,
Ask, and it shall be given unto you.
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you,
For all I have is thine.
Everyone that asketh shall receive;
Everyone that seeketh,
He shall find.
Unto him that knocks will be opened for everything I have is thine.
If ye then know how to give good gifts unto your children,
How much more does your heavenly Father give to them that ask Him?
Open Thou mine eyes,
That I may behold Your wondrous things.
Wondrous things from out of Thy law.
I know the thoughts that I think towards your,
Saith the Lord.
Thoughts of peace,
And not of evil,
To give you an expected end.
Ye shall seek me, and ye shall find Me,
When ye search for me with all your heart,
With all your heart.
Then ye shall seek me,
And find me,
When ye shall search for me with all your heart.
For All I have is thine!

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