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Take Me to a Christmas

Jon Goldenthal

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Jon Goldenthal
Jon Goldenthal
Jon Goldenthal

A wistful remembrance of Christmases past, replete with snow, presents, and the greatest gift of all: time spent with loved ones.


Take Me to a Christmas
Music and Lyrics by Jon Goldenthal

Take me to a Christmas not so long ago
When things weren’t easy but things went slow
Except for the sleigh rides and running to see
Just what dear Santa had placed under the tree

And take me to a Christmas when the snow fell steep
And we’d listen for reindeer til we fell asleep

It must seem so silly now
If you have come to know
Dreams that we hold onto
Sometimes need to be let go

But maybe I’ll keep that thought
How Christmas ought to be
A simpler time for you and me

And I recall a Christmas when I thought I knew
If I could stay awake for you-know-who
To come down the chimney and lay out the toys
And sneaking downstairs making barely a noise

So if you want a Christmas that is filled with awe
Over what you imagined, what you thought you saw
Don’t let it seem silly now
If you have come to know
Some dreams that we hold onto
Sometimes need to be let go

But maybe I’ll keep that thought
How Christmas ought to be
A simpler time for you and me
A simpler time for you and me

Take me to a Christmas
Take me to a Christmas
And we’ll keep it simple
For you and me
Take me to a Christmas
For you and me

You take me to a Christmas