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Josh Henn

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Josh Henn
Carolyn Kardinal
Carolyn Kardinal
Song Duration:

This beautiful retelling of Jesus' transfiguration and God's message is infused with inspiration.


Music and Lyrics by Carolyn Kardinal

And after six days he taketh Peter, James, and John
Up into a high mountain apart
And was transfigured before them,
And his face did shine like the sun
And his raiment was white as the light.

As they knelt and prayed on holy ground,
A cloud descended like a misty shroud,
And a voice spoke from deep within,
“This is my beloved son. Hear ye him.”

They heard, and they bore witness to the light
That saves all mankind and leads out of night.
For it’s Christ’s mighty power that takes the dark away
Revealing the light of unending day.

He was transfigured. They caught a glimpse of immortality,
He proved that matter is just a mockery.
He was transfigured giving hope to all mankind.
That man might know the reign of eternal Mind.

They learned that man’s perfect being is in Mind’s control
And man in Life’s springtime expresses Soul.
So we each must go to the mountain to pray,
To be one in Spirit, let Christ lead the way.

Chorus x2

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