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Wings Of Music

Julia Wade

Download: $2.99

Julia Wade
Peter Link
Peter Link
Classical Crossover
Song Duration:



Music and Lyrics by Peter Link

I will not build me wings
Of wax and feathers
I will not fly the daylight
In the heat of the sun
I need not design
A special chariot to the stars
For I can ride the wings of music

Yes I can ride the wings of music
And I can soar on a melody
And every time I fall
Oh how it picks me up again
It lifts me up and sets me free

Melody, carry me over the trees
Harmony, sustain me out across the seas
Dance out your rhythm
Oh so light on your feet
Spread your wings and find us a breeze

Then I will ride the wings of music
Straight up to the stars
As God awakens in me
And pours from my heart
Strain upon refrain

Sounding and sustaining,
Pounding and proclaiming
Almighty, let me soar and fly
Music, music open up the sky


For I can ride the wings of music
And I can soar on a melody
And every time I fall
Oh how He picks me up again
He lifts me up and sets me free

It’s God that strikes the strings
And as I ride the wings
He lifts and lets me soar
Soar and fly

How I love to ride the wings
The wings
Of music

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