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Dinah Satterwhite

Vocal Range:
Pitch Range:
C4 - D5
Digital Sheet Music PDF
Vocal Range:
Pitch Range:
D4 - E5
Vocal Range:
Pitch Range:
E4 - F#5
Dinah Satterwhite
Dinah Satterwhite
Text Source:
John 11:1-44
A Note From Dinah
Vocal Range:
Vocal Pitch Range:
C4 - D5
D4 - E5
E4 - F#5

This classic tale is told by Lazarus' sister. Explore the emotions and thoughts surrounding Jesus raising the dead, and find a fresh perspective about eternal life.


Words and Music by Dinah Satterwhite

Oh Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus

This story is an old one
Of a man who conquered death
It was my brother Lazarus
I witnessed his last breath

But Jesus saw so plainly
What dull eyes could not see
A vision of identity
Of real man whole and free

One day my sister Martha said
“Mary, our brother’s very sick
We should send for Jesus
And urge him to come quick

For Jesus loves our family
And surely would make haste”
So we sent word to Jesus
There was no time to waste

My eyes see, my ears hear
And yet I’m not afraid
My faith is strong in God’s dear love
A love that cannot fade

He gave to us his only son
To take our sins and strife
And so that we may always know
Everlasting life

The picture seemed quite daunting
But Jesus heard our plea
For he knew of God’s purpose
And what was meant to be

He said “This sickness is not unto death
But for God’s glory and His son
Life does not begin and end
For God and I are one”

Now Lazarus had been dead four days
And Jesus had not arrived
So Martha and I went to him
And I said “My brother died

Lord, had thou come sooner then
A different sight we’d see
But even now whatever you ask
I know God will grant thee”

Together we went to Jerusalem
To the grave of Lazarus alone
A crowd gathered when they saw Jesus
Then he said to remove the stone

Jesus said “Father I know you hear me
I say this so all may see
That you sent me to show life eternal
Now Lazarus come forth, be free”

My brother came out wearing grave clothes
Bound hand and foot even his face
So Jesus said “Loose him and let him go”
He was alive, healed with such grace

My eyes see, my ears hear
And yet I’m not afraid
My faith is strong in God’s dear love
A love that cannot fade

He gave to us his only son
To take our sins and strife
And so that we may always know
Everlasting life

This story shows we can believe
The words that Jesus said
This proof of life eternal
When Jesus raised the dead

Oh Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus

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