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The Good Samaritan

Peter B. Allen

C Major
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Digital Sheet Music PDF
D Major
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Digital Sheet Music PDF
Peter B. Allen
Text Source:
Luke 10:29-37
PBA Music
C Major
D Major
Vocal Range:
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MP3 Duration:

This relaxed, simple setting beautifully underscores the profound message of Jesus' parable of loving your neighbor. Easy keyboard part gives musical pad for vocal melody. Dramatic delivery of lesson to "go and do likewise." Touching, gentle, compassionate.


The Good Samaritan

Lyrics: Luke 10:29-37, Adapted by Peter B. Allen
Composer: Peter B. Allen

A man was walking from city to city, and fell among thieves
Who stole his clothes and left him half dead.

And by chance there passed by a priest who saw the man,
Then crossed to the other side, turning his head.

And as the man lay bleeding a clergy man passed and looked at the man,
Then crossed to the other side, turning his head.

But a certain Samaritan as he traveled by came to the man
And was filled with compassion for him.

And as the man lay bleeding a clergyman passed And looked at the man
Then crossed to the other side turning his head.

But a certain samaritan as he travelled by came to the man
And was filled with compassion for him.

And went to him and dressed his wounds, pouring in oil and wine,
And took him to an inn and took care of him.

And in the morning when he left he gave a days wages to the innkeeper there,
And told him: “Take care of him. And if you spend more,
I’ll pay you back the next time I’m here.”

Now which of these three do you think was neighbor to him that fell among thieves?
It was he that showed mercy, he that showed mercy, he that showed mercy.
Go and do likewise.

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