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Julia Wade

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Julia Wade
Peter Link
Mary Baker Eddy
Text Source:
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures :247:31-32 (to ,) / 247:19 (only), 21 / 516:12-13
Classical Crossover
Song Duration:

True beauty needs no illusion. It simply reflects God’s goodness. Here is a song that haunts melodically and states in the simplest of phrases the essence of God’s comeliness and grace – a song that sings in any time period.


Text by Mary Baker Eddy
Music by Peter Link

The recipe for beauty
is to have less illusion
and more Soul

The recipe for beauty
is to have less illusion
and more Soul

Comeliness and grace
are independent of matter.
Beauty is a thing of life,
which dwells forever in the eternal Mind
and reflects the charms of His goodness
in expression, form,
outline, and color.

It is Love
Love which paints the petal
It is Love
with myriad hues,
glances in the warm sunbeam,
arches the cloud with the bow of beauty,
blazons the night with starry gems,
and covers earth with loveliness.

Love, redolent with unselfishness,
bathes all in beauty and light.

It is Love
Love which paints the petal
It is Love
with myriad hues,
glances in the warm sunbeam,
arches the cloud with the bow of beauty,
blazons the night with starry gems,
and covers earth with loveliness.

The recipe for beauty
is to have less illusion
and more Soul.

Words used courtesy of The Mary Baker Eddy Collection

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