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Tag: podcast

Scattershot Symphony Episode #35: Much Ado About Nothing

Peter Link on “Goin’ Home” – I woke up one morning and realized that my past, on Planet Earth, was probably longer than my future – that there was more time that lay behind than what lies ahead. But then again, I believe deeply in life eternal. So, what’s to worry? Part Two of a two-part series.

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Rosemary And Thyme #2 – Revelation

Scattershot Symphony Podcast Series 3 Rosemary And Thyme Episode #2 – Revelation Episode #2 – Revelation Listen to the Podcast Episode Introducing our 16-Episode Podcast Musical Rosemary And Thyme is a project 2 years in the making that now launches…

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Creative Team of Rosemary And Thyme

Meet The Creative Team of Rosemary And Thyme Peter Link, composer and lyricist, CEO and Creative Director of Watchfire Music, wrote the music for Rosemary And Thyme.  As a collaborator, he co-wrote the lyrics and book with distinguished playwright, poet…

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Cast of Rosemary And Thyme

Meet the all-star cast of New York actors from Broadway, television, the movies and beyond. Over 16 episodes, Michael Tucker, Julia Wade, Steve Blanchard, and Judy McLane lead a cast of 19 actors featuring special guest appearances by Don Scardino, Wayne Duvall, Patrick Ryan Sullivan, Jenny Burton, and Terry Burrell.

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Transcript for Scattershot Symphony Episode #16: No Vocals, No Lyrics, Just Music

Scattershot Symphony TranscriptEpisode #16No Vocals, No Lyrics, Just Music Return to this episode’s main page Welcome to: Scattershot Symphony The Music of Peter Link (That’s me.) People ask me, “Why “Symphony? You’re not a classical composer.” Well, Wikipedia defines “Symphony”…

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Scattershot Symphony

Episode #14: Get Back Up!

Scattershot Symphony – The Music of Peter LinkA Podcast Episode #14 – Get Back Up! Listen to this episode here View these Previews of Episode #14 here We’ve all experienced the tougher side of life these last couple of years…

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Episode #13: Love Comes in Many Colors

Scattershot Symphony – The Music of Peter LinkA Podcast Episode #13Love Comes in Many Colors In Episode 6 we dealt with songs that explored the nature of romantic love. Here in Episode 13 we look at the word “Love” with…

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Episode #12: New World Interview with Jenny Burton

Scattershot Symphony – The Music of Peter LinkA Podcast Episode #12 – New World Interview with Jenny Burton Listen to this Episode View Episode Preview View “Step Into The Dawn” video “Step Into The Dawn” is from Jenny Burton’s EP,…

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Ep #10 On My Way Home Trailer (A)

The song is one man’s story of his journey as an Immigrant to America. The song was also made into a music video by videographer, Skye Malone. In this episode Peter both discusses the evolution of the song and also interviews Skye detailing his creative process in the making of the video.

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