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Tag: podcast musical

Creative Team of Rosemary And Thyme

Meet The Creative Team of Rosemary And Thyme Peter Link, composer and lyricist, CEO and Creative Director of Watchfire Music, wrote the music for Rosemary And Thyme.  As a collaborator, he co-wrote the lyrics and book with distinguished playwright, poet…

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Havin’ A Talk With God – Episode #1: Opener

Here’s a quick intro to a new series on Scattershot Symphony
In the words of Thyme Quinn, our main character: “‘Scuse me, Pete, but I’d jus’ like ta’ take a quick moment here an’ Invite all these good folks out here to join me an’ ma’ special friend in a new different kinda episode that’s sure ta’ git your day started on the right foot. We’ll jus’ be takin’ a walk together in that meadow up yonder – jus’ ‘about ma’ favorite place on the planet.  An’ along the way we promise jus’ the happiest a’ times, a few chuckles, an’ even a thought or two ta’ ponder … oh yes, an’ jus’ wait till ya’ see them cornflowers.”

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