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Havin’ A Talk With God #22 – The Apology

Scattershot Symphony – The Music of Peter Link
A Podcast

Havin’ A Talk With God #22 – The Apology

“The Apology”

Listen to the Podcast Episode

View the Transcript

Havin’ A Talk With God

is a preview of a new Podcast Musical, which is actually Series 3 of Theater Of The Imagination’s Podcast!  

Get to know Thyme Quinn — and through the course of her conversations with her good ol’ pal, God, — eavesdrop on the prayers of a most complex character searching for Truth in her daily struggle to understand  her own complexities – complexities that we all struggle with daily.

We’ll be presentin’ this weekly, an’ doncha worry none, each episode won’t take ya’ more ‘an 5 or 6 minutes a shot.  Along the way we promise lots a’ food for thought, a lotta laughs, an’ even a revelation or two regardin’ your own life.

Try it. He’s a different kinda God. He talks back … in plain English.

Click to Learn More About Peter Link and Theater of The Imagination

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